Adey MagnaClean TwinTech®
- Powerful magnetic filtration
- Exceptional non-magnetic filtration
- Simple installation and servicing saving time and money
- Quick and easy chemical dosing
- Increased energy efficiency
- Longer central heating system life AND guaranteed for two years *
Dual-action system protection, MagnaClean TwinTech®, The new generation MagnaClean TwinTech® offers guaranteed protection to central heating systems.
Offering advanced magnetic and non-magnetic filtration, MagnaClean TwinTech® sets the highest industry standards in domestic central heating maintenance and protection, eliminating virtually 100% of suspended black iron oxide and non-magnetic debris.
It is recommended to have the MagnaClean TwinTech® fitted to your central heating system following a powerflush. This will eliminate the need to repeat a powerflush in the future.
The MagnaClean TwinTech® can also be fitted to your central heating system even if you do not feel that a powerflush is necessary. It will cleanse during normal central heating operation.
Product information | Installation Guide
* Guarantee is provided by MagnaClean® manufacturer: Adey Limited, Unit 3, Chiltern Road, Prestbury Business Park, Prestbury, Cheltenham, GL52 5JS.